Q: What led you on your current path and finding the work you do?
Firstly, the soul contract I devised before incarnating. Secondly, the Divine intervention and spiritual awakening that happened to free me from a previous traumatic long-term relationship. Thirdly, from that awakening, my devotion to truly living the path of complete Surrender to the Divine’s instructions for me (whether those assignments come from my own soul or Great Spirit or Earth Mother). Through waking up and getting out of my own way and aligned with Divine~ this led me to remembering and receiving visions etc of who I really am and how I am to be of service this lifetime. Through courage, humility and willingness, I live at one with these instructions.
Q: How can we work with you? What are your offerings?
The best way to currently experience my work is through Animal Power, my bestselling book and deck. They are pure and true Divine labors of love. You can also immerse in a guided, drumming Shamanic journey that I facilitate, to connect with your power animal, here. You can get to know me and many other leading spiritual guides from around the world by tuning into my podcast, Ceremony Circle.
Next year, my husband (Luke Storey) and I will be guiding a retreat for those looking to experience deeper, dharmic love within their partnership called “Higher Power Couple.”
Q: If you could only choose one daily ritual, what would it be?
To remain at one with God.

Q: What led you to create your book, Animal Power? Have you always felt a connection to the animal kingdom?
Power animal guides were many of the first spiritual allies who entered in to provide support when I had my Divine intervention / spiritual awakening. From that initial connection point, our relationship (and trust in one another) has continued to infinitely grow. I had known since I was very young that I would be an author, yet when many publishers began contacting me to write a book, I couldn’t land on what my first book should be. After aligning with my literary agents, I thought I finally had the topic sorted out, so I flew to Bali to begin my writing process and in my first morning meditation there, power animal guides as far as the mind’s eye could see, flooded in and told me that my first book was actually to be with them. Thus, Animal Power book and deck were born!
Q: Your offerings are deeply rooted in shamanic traditions. For someone new to this path, how would you describe the essence of shamanic healing and its relevance in modern life?
The essence of Shamanism is being connected to both the Earthly, human experience as well as the spiritual, soul experience. This is where my brand name, Rock-Star Shamanism hails from. Being equally connected to Earth and Sky. This oldest spiritual way didn’t need a name or title in ancient times, it was simply the way of life. Connecting in honor and reverence to the messages and guidance from both your body, Earth’s body, the spiritual realms and the teachings you receive as a human inhabiting this planet. This way of being has never gone away, it just began to be called something (shamanism) as humans began to get disconnected from their souls, from spirit etc. Then seeing those who carry this most natural way forward was called shamanism and given a title. But it’s simply humans having a foot in both worlds ~ the astral and the earthly planes.
Q: If you could speak to your younger self, what would you say to her as the woman you are today?
You are always guided; all is always serving you. The sooner you can get out of your own way of blocking your spiritual gifts and power, the sooner your alignment with true fulfillment and peace will be. And love is the only Divine truth that exists. And keep it light and keep having fun!

Q: What is coming up on the horizon for you? Can we expect a new book or project?
Yes, there will be more books and decks. I am currently in process of receiving the information around their focal points and themes. I have recently had a truly orgasmic soul rebirth, and with that there are many new energies circulating. So, I know many new and unique expressions for me to release into the world are to come!
Q: Where do you “hang out”? Where can we find you, your offerings, and information?
You can find me most active on Instagram @iamalysoncharles and my podcast, Ceremony Circle. If you live in the Austin area you can also most likely run into me at Alive and Well.
Q: Leave us with one word you wish to bring to the world and those you come into contact with.